“Morouns, speculators look like winners in Detroit land swap to ensure FCA factory jobs” FROM: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2019/05/20/speculators-moroun-detroit-land-swap-fca-jobs/3664661002/ TOTAL Properties 881Hantz Woodlands 367Soave Enterprises 210Michael Kelly 15DTE Energy 28Crown Enterprises 261TOTAL Properties 881 https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1zh6Hi8tlpD7PuIUgdNPwjx9ilHWU4JW8&hl=en_US&ll=42.356444913493675%2C-83.03124552817383&z=13
Month: August 2019
Environmental Health Survey Summary of Findings

Eastside Resident Environmental Health Working Grouphttp://eastsideenvironmental.org Eastside Environmental Health Survey Summary of FindingsJuly 26, 2019 Based on community concerns about environmental health in our community, and in particular concerns about air pollution and health impacts of increased emissions from the expansion of the Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA), a community survey was conducted to gather information about community concerns and conditions regarding environmental health. Surveys were completed using a combination of methods, including door to door canvassing, phone […]
Recommended Environmental Actions presented to FCA
These recommendations were presented to FCA at a meeting at their Auburn Hills Headquarters on August 2, 2019. This meeting was initiated by Senator Stephanie Chang. Representatives from Detroit People’s Platform and the Eastside Resident Environmental Health Working Group were uninvited to the meeting by FCA. Even though FCA uninvited our representatives, these recommendations and others were presented in the meeting by representatives from other groups that support them. Air quality monitoring at settings with […]